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Korean Journal of Medical Ethics. Vol. 19, No. 1, 2016

Parents’ Understanding of, and Satisfaction with, the Explanations Provided in Pediatric Clinical Trials
소아 참여 임상시험에서 부모의 임상시험의 이해도와 설명만족도
Korean J Med Ethics 2016;19(1):1-13.
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The Ethics of For-profit Healthcare and Medical Tourism in South Korea
Korean J Med Ethics 2016;19(1):14-35.
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Online Monitoring about Illegal Surrogacy Arrangement on a Commercial Basis in Korea*
온라인 모니터링을 통해 본한국의 불법생식세포 매매 실태 및 개선방안*
Korean J Med Ethics 2016;19(1):36-46.
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The Ethics of Therapeutic Gene Editing Research
유전자 편집에 근거한 유전자치료 연구의 윤리
Korean J Med Ethics 2016;19(1):47-59.
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The Attitude of Doctors towards End-of-Life Care Decision-Makings in Korea: Focused on Palliative Sedation*,**
임종기 환자 의료 결정에 대한 의사의 태도: 완화적 진정을 중심으로*,**
Korean J Med Ethics 2016;19(1):60-73.
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The Ethical Leadership of Nurse Managers and Their Effects on the Perceived Ethical Confidence of Nurses
간호관리자의 윤리적 리더십과 간호사의 윤리적 의사결정자신감
Korean J Med Ethics 2016;19(1):74-86.
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An Examination of the Principles of Biomedical Ethics, Confucian Bioethics and Personalist Bioethics
원칙주의 생명의료윤리, 유학 생명윤리와 인격주의 생명윤리의 원리 고찰
Korean J Med Ethics 2016;19(1):87-97.
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