간호대학생의 노인에 대한 태도 연구
Published Online: Dec 30, 2003
Purpose : The purpose of this survey was to identify nursing students' attitude toward the elderly and related factors. Method : 405 nursing students of three university from three different regions were participated in the study and the data of 393 subjects were analyzed. To measure attitude toward the elderly, Aging Semantic Differential Scaling(ASDS) developed by Sanders et al was utilized. Data analysis was conducted by SPSS version 10.0 and descriptive analysis, ANONA, and χ2 were performed as appropriate. Results: ASDS score were in range of between 1.50 ~ 6.50 and mean score was 4.15±.78, which is neutral. ASDS score were not different by any characteristics of the subjects except the experience of living with her or his grandparents. Subjects with the experience of living with their grandparents showed significantly positive attitude (p=.030). Attitude groups were categorized by ASDS score into three groups; positive, neutral, negative. Each group was not different significantly by general characteristics except birth place. Subjects who were born in rural area showed more positive attitude(p=.045) compare to the ones from urban area. Conclusion : Nursing students' attitude toward the elderly was neutral. And the quality of the relationship with the elderly seemed to be a critical factor for the attitude. Repeated studies to confirm the attitude and any related factors to affect those attitudes such as regional groups and/or quality of interaction with the elderly.