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Korean Journal of Medical Ethics. Vol. 11, No. 2, 2008

Shared Decision-Making as a Model of Medical Decision-Making
의학적 의사결정 모델로써 공동의사결정의 이해
Korean J Med Ethics 2008;11(2):105-118.
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Ethical and Legal Considerations Regarding the Confidentiality of Research on Illegal Activities
불법 행동이나 잠재적 불법 행동에 대한 연구에서 기밀 유지에 대한 법적·윤리적 고려*
Korean J Med Ethics 2008;11(2):119-138.
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Longitudinal DIT Study of the Moral Judgments of Student Nurses at One University in Korea
간호 대학생의 도덕 판단력에 관한 종단적 연구: DIT(Defining Issue Test)를 사용하여
Korean J Med Ethics 2008;11(2):139-152.
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Ethical Considerations in Articles Published in Nursing Journals*
간호학 학술지에 게재된 논문의 생명윤리기준 준수*
Korean J Med Ethics 2008;11(2):153-162.
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Amendment of the “Acceptable Limit for Abortion” in Article 14 of the Mother and Child Health Law
모자보건법 제14조 '인공임신중절수술의 허용한계' 개정 방향*
Korean J Med Ethics 2008;11(2):163-182.
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The Development of a Clinical Ethics Core Curriculum for Medical Trainees in Korea
전공의를 위한 의료윤리 교육목표의 개발
Korean J Med Ethics 2008;11(2):183-190.
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Korean Nurses' Awarenss of Patients' Rights in Hospitals
Korean J Med Ethics 2008;11(2):191-200.
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